Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just Keep Swimming!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Dear Family,

Right as I sat down at the computer I realized I left my planner at home with all the notes I had taken down to tell you guys about! Bummer. I will have to rely on my memory! (Good thing I brought my, pictures for y'all this week!)

I guess the biggest thing that I took away from this week was from INTERVIEWS with President Ostler. He was not able to fly over to Palawan so we Skyped him in the chapel. I love President Ostler and Sister Ostler. They are like my second parents here on the mission. I trust them and I know that they will love us and help us for the entire time that we are here.

I also know that he is a man of God. It was kind of like going in for a patriarchal blessing. Kind of. I had some questions and thoughts in my head, some bigger than others. And the minute I sat down, President said everything that I needed to hear. That I know was not just of him but of God.

"I love you so much!"
"I want you to know that you are beautiful."

There is a fatherly love that a mission president demonstrates over his "children", over the missionaries. The minute he said those first two sentences I could feel of Heavenly Father's love for me. The mission is not an easy thing. I wish I knew one year ago, two years ago, even four months ago, what a mission would be like. But it is so true that you really never know. You never know until you have served a mission. You will never know until you go on one. And President Ostler's love and remarks were exactly what I needed to hear.

President counseled me to have greater faith and trust in the Lord. And his counsel makes sense. This work that I am doing- it isn't mine's. It isn't Sister Lockwood's either. It is the Lord's. I am learning to trust Him. To trust in His timing for His children. As humans we always want everything to turn out our way. We want things to happen in our time. But the truth of life is that Heavenly Father knows best. And I have confidence that even though I may not be harvesting, I am planting good seeds. I am so thankful to have a wise mission president over the Philippines Manila Mission!

Beach Day!!!
So alot of the pictures from this week were taken at the BEACH last week! We had a zone activity in the afternoon and it was such a breath of fresh air! Literally! It is so beautiful on the beach. Where I'm at, Santa Monica, doesn't really have a ton of those tourist-y beaches that everyone hears about. Those are up north a little or somewhere else on this island. So this beach- this ACTUAL beach- was the first "beach" I have seen since being here. SO BEAUTIFUL! Palm trees, sand, saltwater. I have decided that when I am older I will be visiting the beach alot!

Here is a quote by Elder Richard G. Scott that I love and wanted to share with you guys:
"Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion, which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires alot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain."

JUST KEEP SWIMMING, GUYS! Life is tough but it doesn't have to be. It can be fun at the same time :) "Your future is as bright as your faith," President Monson has said. I have a bright hope for my bright future! And I have bright hopes for all of yours too!

Love you all so much!
With love,
Sister Teo

P.P.S. Shout-out to all the February birthdays! That's YOU- HELENA, JOWELLE, AND VALERINA! Birthday cards coming your way soon! XO

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With love, Sister Teo © 2014