Monday, December 8, 2014

Blessings, blessings, blessings!

Monday, December 8, 2014
Dear family and everyone that I love,

So remember how last week was really hard? Well this week flew by in the blink of an eye. Thank you for all the prayers said and the fingers crossed and for every good wish you sent my way here on Palawan. I have felt strengthened beyond my own capacity this past week and I KNOW, with all my heart, that it was through the help of Heavenly Father and of course because of you guys' love that I have been able to work well and work hard this week :)

     TYPHOON RUBY...didn't hit us. First of all - THANK YOU FOR YOUR EMAILS OF CONCERN! Especially you Ether!! But don't worry! There is nothing to fear. I don't know where this typhoon/hurricane went but it definitely didn't hit our area here on Palawan. You guys' prayers must have turned the storm a different way around or something! We didn't even get rain! It is all blue skies and good weather right now, which is SO anti-climatic! We were expecting the worst (throwback to Typhoon Yolanda that hit last year) but LUCKILY we are all safe and sound and happy. Palawan is so beautiful. And we are so lucky that we have bee protected from this natural disaster.

     The Filipino culture is the best. I can't even begin to tell you guys how much I love it here. Who knew that we could visit people whenever we wanted? We just show up at people's houses and they let us in. I love it. I'll probably drive everyone crazy doing that when I go back to Utah. Just showing up at people's houses without letting them know in advance and expecting them to let me in. Ahhhh I am definitely going to know what it means to be Filipino by the time these 18 months are over!

     I cooked. Curry. Twice. This week. There is a Filipino saying that once a girl learns how to cook, it means she is ready for marriage. Hmmmmmmmm.......I'll let you think about that, Mom, Dad. (P.S. How do we tell when chicken is cooked......? I'm assuming when there isn't anymore blood, yes?)

     It is so wonderful being a missionary here on Santa Monica. Our branch president, President Sabido, has got to be one of the greatest men on Earth. He is so young. Early 30s? Young family. Works in the day, studies at night. Branch President of a YOUNG branch. Plus he fed us dinner a few weeks ago and is going to feed us again this next Sunday. What! How does God create such great men? Looking at him made me think of President Coffin back home. How grateful I am to serve among such wonderful people. Dad, it has made me appreciate so much more all the wonderful things you have done for your callings in the Church. It blows my mind that you actually get to work with the religious affairs bureau in Shanghai and talk with them about our church. You are setting the foundation for our CHURCH IN CHINA. That's such a big deal. Thank you for all you do.

     We teach a lot of less-active members here, probably more than or as much as we do investigators. I have come to realize that every soul is precious in the sight of God. And I have come to love these less-actives so much. I don't even really like this term, "less-active". I think that everyone is active in their own way. Some people have more troubles than others and the paths we walk are all different. But it is so important to love all. And that is something I am working on really hard. To love everyone. It is easier said than done, this act of loving. But....HOLD YOUR HORSES! When I come home from my mission I will love EVERYONE. And be more charitable. Things we learn on the mission...priceless.

Here's a quote for you guys that I read this past week:
     "Some of you may feel that you can't rise above the polluted pond, that your circumstances are too difficult, your trials too hard, your temptations too great...Remember, the stalk of the water lily grows in adversity, and as the stalk lifts the water lily, your faith will support and lift you." - Mary N. Cook, former 2nd counselor in the YW's general presidency

I know that this gospel is true. I know that this Church is true. I believe it with all my heart. I would not be who I am today if I did not know and live and believe in the principles and beliefs and teachings of the Church. I KNOW that God is at the head of our Church. He helps His missionaries. He blesses His missionaries. I know that I am safe in His hands.

"Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me." (D&C 38:7)

I love you all!

SKYPE CALL SOON! Not sure how it's going to work yet but I'll let you guys know ASAP. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

With love,
Sister Teo

P.S. Annabelle/Valerina/girlfriends - your Christmas letters are probably going to come late because they won't get sent off until in about two weeks or so! I'm sorry! But don't worry! I love you guys and still remember who you are!! I may be on an island in the Philippines but I promise I still love you all just as much :)

P.P.S. The pictures are proof that I cooked the chicken.

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With love, Sister Teo © 2014