Wednesday, October 8, 2014

the last two weeks before 18 months

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Over these last couple weeks that I have had with my family, here is a look at some of the things that have happened:
+ I have flown from China to the Philippines and back

+ I have officially been to and fallen in love with the temple 
(I honestly cannot think of many more places in the world that are beautiful-er than LDS temples)

+ I have also fallen in love with this mustard-y colored skirt, hence the 5 million pictures of me in it

+ I have enjoyed the still-green weather of fall in Shanghai, 
though I will admit I miss my fall shades of red and orange and pink in Utah

(Also, big shout-out to Shanghai weather, thank you for being on point recently. Yours is a wonderful farewell gift)

+ Ate at Tony Romas' steakhouse for the first time, major points for their buffalo wings but their pasta portions were ginormous 
(Should've gotten a steak at a steakhouse, oh well, next time)

+ Also ate Indian food, can't stress how much I love Indian food
(no more food pictures, I promise)

+ Hung out with my sisters 
(Ain't quality time if there aren't selfies, ya'll)
(#halfjokinghalfnotjoking, because, you know, we are the selfie generation)

(also, this chocolate cookies & cream shake was the BOMB DOT COM,
thank you Sheffields for introducing me to one of my new favorite drinks!)

+ Watched and enjoyed "Into The Storm" with the fam-bam

+ Enjoyed a delicious backyard BBQ 

+ DIY-ed some hours away

+ Babysat 

+ Said goodbye to this sweet girl (and her siblings) during my last Sunday at Church

+ Enjoyed navigating the large, sweaty crowds of Shanghai city during the weeklong Chinese National Day holiday 

I have loved living this last month as a normal person before heading out for a life-changing experience! 

Just kidding, I'll still be a normal person in Manila.

All jokes aside though,

I know that it was no coincidence that I was assigned to labor, love and serve in the Philippines, Manila mission. I know it. It was about time, anyways, for me to embrace my own "best of both worlds". You know, half Chinese, half Filipina, that sort of thing. With that said, I will never take for granted this adventure of a lifetime that I am about to embark on. 

(Krystal & I with our cousins on our Mom's side)

If anything, just know this, regardless of whether you are friend, family or stranger (hi):

I love the decision that I have made. I could not be prouder to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I will follow through with my decision to the end. 18 months sounds like a long time, but what is 18 months in the span of a forever? I could not be any more elated to join the other 83, 999 missionaries(*) of my church that are out there, serving voluntarily, all around the world. 

I'll keep you guys posted weekly! 

Until then,

I'll see you all in 2016.

With love, 
Sister Teo

P.S. Any posts put up on my blog from here on out will be posted by my younger sister Krystal/ by my Mom! 

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