Over here on the mission we call our companions "Sis". Just "Sis". Not necessarily "Sister Teo" or "Sister Himarangan" in full, but "Sis". Sister H is truly becoming my SIS. I think that every trainee goes through their first couple o' days of discomfort when their trainer leaves them. I know that that was me for maybe the first two days or so. But over this past week, Sister H has become my friend. She is becoming my SIS. My sister. I am her tenth "sis", her tenth companion here on the field. Her tenth, and her last! I can't keep emphasizing how privileged I feel to be trusted to send her off! This is her first time on the island, on Palawan, and every morning I hope that I can make this a good experience for her! I love her. She helps me with my Tagalog. She is so patient. She is humble. She is loving. She is exactly what I need right now.
Sooooo...the house mouse title fell on me when Sister Lockwood left. The house mouse is basically the person who has been in the apartment the longest and will be in charge of everything house-related. Paying bills. Making sure this and that is clean. OH MAN. Mom. How many times did I clean the kitchen back home? Or.........touch the bills? HAHA. Heavenly Father is wise. He is forcing me to learn all these things that I will need for when I become a wife and a mother! I am happy to say though that I LOVE IT! Ironically. I really do! Responsibility isn't always fun but now that I am house mouse I feel like the house is mine to make sure it looks top-notch all the time. And anyone that knows me knows that I can be a perfectionist sometimes. Clean counter-tops! Swept floors! Washed dishes! The only thing I still have to conquer is cleaning the bathroom. Hmmmmmm............when that happens I'll let you know ;)
Take heed: he is 12. 12 years old. And guess who showed up to church for the first time ever...ALL BY HIMSELF?! Michael! BLESS HIS HEART! This wonderful kid. We haven't even taught him lesson one yet and already he is taking the initiative to come to church?! These are mercies of the Lord. He came in with about twenty minutes left in sacrament meeting and we hadn't even been expecting him. There I was, just sitting, listening to the talks, when someone taps me on my shoulder. I spin around. And there is Michael with the ward clerk. MICHAEL! Tender mercy. Tender mercy. Tender mercy.
Please pray for him. He is a future missionary. I know it. It'll be hard, the road ahead. We'll need his parents to be in this game as well for things to work out. As much as I love PLANTING SEEDS - can't tell you how many flowers I am expecting to see in twenty years from now - I want to HARVEST ALREADY! I have faith in Michael and his family.
Did you guys ever get my letters?! No one has said anything about getting any of my letters. I'm a little worried. By now I've sent two off now.........Please let me know! Postage isn't cheap as well! PHP300.
So I have these random bites on my arm that itch a lot. They are kind of swollen too. At first I thought that the mosquitoes are really loving some half-Filipino blood, but then Sis H. told me that those are ant bites. SWEET! I never used to attract ants but I guess the Filipino ants are really digging some missionary blood! Any advice? Does repellent work the same way for ants as it does mosquitoes?
Now that I am a missionary I will never, ever go to Church the same way. Ever. Again. When you guys are at Church, please look around for those who need fellowshippers! I can't tell you how important it is to fellowship EVERYONE. Just do it. They are probably more scared than you are. And by the end of talking to them, there will be two happy people. Please do it. It helps the missionaries
so much. It helps the work move forward. I testify!
Just four people that I love :) Auntie Fely and Mia and Zoe probably won't read this, but GAETANA! If you see this! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEXT WEEK! Just wanted to wish you happy birthday in advance! I LOVE YOU! PICTURES
SO Krystal requested for more pictures of everything. The two for this week- I got my hair cut last P-day; in the other picture is Sister Falgui and Sister Himarangan! I will work on taking more pictures next week!
President assigned Sister H and I to give trainings in the upcoming Zone conference on March 13.............................YAY! I am excited :) I love President. I love that he trusts me. President and Sister Ostler- two of my biggest role models. Fingers crossed that Sis and I will prepare well for this!
+ + + + + + + + + +
Here's to another great week! I love this work! Obviously it is hard to maintain a 110% happy attitude all the time but I am trying! This mission is all about self-mastery. At the end of the day I am accountable to God for what I did with the time he gave me. So far, so good! I love you all! Since being here I have come to love you guys so much more. Something about changes hearts.
With love,
Sister Teo