Guess who is on the island of Palawan? Guess who SWORE that she wasn't going to end up on Palawan but guess who did? Guess who was hoping she would only be on the mainland? Me, me, me. But God knows best. God knows most. And I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have tried to wish for things to go my way, but God has stepped in and showed me a different plan. Why? How? Why me? I don't have all my answers yet. But it is okay. I am here on Palawan, and I probably will be for 6 months. Or 4-ish months. But definitely a minimum of 4. Palawan will be my home for 1/3 of my mission. Can you imagine that?!
As usual I have so much to say. I am not quite sure if I want to cry or laugh at where I am right now. Perhaps let me first start off by saying that I love the Filipinos. I love my area. I am serving in the Santa Monica area (Nope, not Santa Monica, California), Puerto Princessa Stake. The Church is so young on this island. It has only been around for as long as I have been alive. How fortunate am I to be part of the pioneer stages? I am the luckiest.
I live and work among poverty almost all day long. Imagine Grandma and Grandpa's area in Pangasinan, but more remote. That's where I walk around all day. I serve people who live in houses made of bamboo and tin roofs. But I am so happy. I cannot remember the last time I was so happy to walk in dirt and mud and have my white shoes get all dirty. Also, can I just say...props to me for going with no makeup??!?!?!?!?!??!?! Can you believe it? Um- Kimberly Teo?!?! No MAKEUP?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHA. I amuse myself. But yes! No makeup! Because the work is bigger than I am! Because the people are more important than I am! Because I am here for the Lord, and I know with all my heart that if I put Him first and if I put the Filipinos first, He will take care of the rest. Plus everyone here thinks you are beautiful even if you look like death. So....whatever. Being a missionary is the best thing in the world. So if from now on the pictures that I send don't really show my face that clearly, or you can obviously tell that I am a million shades darker than my original skin'll know that IT IS BECAUSE I AM MAKE-UP FREE and still camera shy because of that, but....ITS ALL GOOD! :)
I don't know where to start with all that I have to say!
OH YES! MY TRAINER! MY FIRST COMPANION! SISTER LOCKWOOD! SISTER LOCKWOOD!!!!!!!!!!! FROM THE CANNON CENTER! Okay so Sister Lockwood goes to BYU and she was there when I was there! We bumped into each other at the Cannon Center and talked for like, five minutes, but!!!! We ARE COMPANIONS!!!!!!!!!!
ANOTHER THING- I was the only person out of the 10 new missionaries entering the field to be sent to Palawan. Other missionaries (the older ones who have already been in the mission) were sent here too for transfers, but how amazing and wonderful is it that of EVERYONE who entered the field, I was the only one sent here? When President Ostler told me the news, I burst out into a laugh. Not a rude laugh, but I literally laughed. And then I clasped my mouth with my hand and the laugh started to turn into a sob. And then I started crying. I couldn't believe it. That moment in President Ostler's office will always be a special one to me. The moment President told me where I would be going. I will never forget that moment for as long as I live. And when he told me who my trainer was going to be- Sister Lockwood- I laughed again and some more tears were shed. God was putting me with a FRIEND, basically. How am I so blessed?
Sister Lockwood and I have been doing really great as a companionship. She is the best trainer that I could have and I learn from her example daily. She ONLY JUST finished HER training, and she was ALREADY called to be a trainer! Can you believe it? Our training lasts for 12 weeks. So if you think about it, SHE just finished HER first 12 weeks, and now she's training ME for the next 12 weeks! We are having a blast. We know when to have fun and when to work hard. Having a friendship in this companionship helps so much. Her Tagalog is AMAZING, too, by the way, and I pray that I will be able to get to her level by the time MY 12 weeks of training is over. It'll happen. Please pray that I will have the gift of tongues? That's my request for the week, and for the next 12 weeks. Please pray that I can specifically have the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation of tongues. Please and thanks!
This gospel makes me so happy. I can be teaching in the heat; I can be teaching with a billion mosquitoes biting my legs (don't worry Mom/Dad- no dengue). But it is all worth it. I know that Heavenly Father sent me here to be humble. To learn what it means to BE a missionary. And I am taking it all in! Life is good.
Also - any ideas for meals? I've basically been eating cereal and crackers this week, and bread too. And rice occasionally when we get fed by members (which is rare). GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!!!!!! Oh but yes! Went grocery shopping today and had to budget so that I wouldn't overspent. ALSO ate at Chowking but tried my best to get something cheap. Mom/Dad, by the end of the mission I promise I will know what money is worth. I will know how to budget. It's hard! It's so hard. We were at the mall for groceries and lunch and I wanted to shop...but! I know, I know. I am a missionary. And I will LEARN to be a missionary and prepare myself to be a good mother and wife. This mission will help me so much. I pray it will.
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I will send more pictures :) They will be pictures from the MTC and pictures of Palawan and where we serve and of Sis. Lockwood and I.
TAKE CARE! I PRAY FOR YOU GUYS ALWAYS! I am so happy and I know that you guys are, too. Keep the faith. Stay strong. April 2016!

+ Sister Muller and I at the MTC
+ The road right outside our apartment (with all the trees and forest-looking scenery)
+ The roads we walk to get to our investigators' homes
+ Sister Lockwood and I at the water's edge after our morning run- PALAWAN IS BEAUTIFUL! (Although we don't actually see beaches anywhere where we are at)
+ Me and SIster Lokubalasuriyage who was supposed to be my original companion in the MTC
Sister Teo